(+86) 0574-88127326

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About translation

At present, when many domestic Chinese applicants apply US patents, the general process  is to apply a China patent first, or to apply a PCT application, and then find a domestic translation company to translate Chinese into English, and then hand over to the US patent agent.

In order to save money, modifying by the foreign patent agent is even dismissed, because the foreign patent agent is charged by billable hours and hourly rates are particularly high for US patent agents who is comprehensive in both China and U.S. patents,The hourly fee for reviewing or revising translations will go significantly beyond the package fee charged by Chinese agents. Therefore, the translation will be just simply reviewed, or even not be proofread. so it is difficult to obtain a granted patent, not to mention the protection of the invention.

Ningbo Daotong Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd.

Tel: (+86)0574-88127326

Contact Email: info@coipor.com

Company address: Room 406, Nanyang Building, Southern Business District, Yinzhou District, Ningbo City

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